Must Know Instagram Updates and Features in 2022

Information Last 2021, Instagram has reached 2 billion active users worldwide. It is exciting to see how Instagram is rapidly developing new features and functionalities to engage in main business issues and help users support their favorite brands. And now, keeping up with what’s new on Instagram can be quite a challenge. There are new Instagram features almost every week. So, without further due, let’s have a look at all the nifty features that Instagram has rolled out recently. 1. Add Yours One of Instagram's latest features allows users to create public threads in Stories. With the Add Yours feature you can create a photo prompt and other users can post their own photo Stories that add to the thread. If you're active on Instagram, you've probably seen countless "Add Yours" Stories. How to create an "Add Yours" Story on Instagram: Open Instagram Tap on "Your Story" in the upper left hand corner Take a photo or select a photo from your came...