YouTube thumbnails!
Are you frustrated with how your YouTube thumbnails look, but can’t hire a designer to design the thumbnails of your dream? Well, YouTube thumbnail templates are a cheap and simple design solution. You just have to update the YouTube template to fit your brand. Here’s how to use a youtube thumbnail template. How to use a YouTube thumbnail template This YouTube thumbnail template I’m using comes with 4 different types of YouTube thumbnail templates. I’m going to demonstrate how to use them to fit your brand. How to change the YouTube thumbnail template image For this template, the black area is the background image area. To change the background of your thumbnail, you just click to open the folder “Your thumbnail image here.” I’m just going to pick a random image and I’m going to go to file to choose my image. You can either choose ‘place embed’ or ‘place linked’. Place Embedded means that the image is gonna stay there. Place Linked will place the image there, but it will lin...